Ep.7/ Connecting with your Muse


Creative living for classical musicians

Perfectionism, comparison, self-judgment, and fear are all things that can get in the way of allowing ourselves the permission to be creative. For classical musicians especially, it can be tough to break through our conditioning to push through and be unapologetically ourselves. In this podcast, I discuss creative blocks and how to break through them. We are all creators, we just have to give ourselves the grace to be imperfect and just say f*ck it!

Good Reads: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert


“The greats are no different from you and i. They trusted their ability to tap into their muse, which is something we all have access to . Humanity is inately creative.”



Are you an artist with a unique story? I want to hear from you! I am now taking submissions to be a featured artist on my podcast. I invite you to join my network of musicians and artists who are hungry for innovation. I can’t wait to hear your story!


Ep.8/ Innovation in Music Education


Ep.6/ The Rambles of a Tired Opera Singer